Governmental organizations face ever increasing challenges in meeting growing demands for quality services with an ever-changing economy and ongoing public scrutiny. Robinson, Grimes & Company, P.C. has been a resource for governmental entities for more than 80 years. We have an experienced governmental team which provides a variety of audit, compliance, special purpose reporting, and consulting services for governmental entities of all sizes, including:
Boards of Education and School districts
Water and Sewer Authorities
Industrial and Development Authorities
Component Units and Departments
In addition, we serve as a valuable resource of governmental accounting expertise, including:
Annual Financial audits
Compliance audits including Federal Single Audits
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) reporting
Bond issuance services including comfort letters, consent letters and other agreed-upon procedures
SPLOST audit services
Agreed-upon procedures
Other special attestation services
Evaluation of internal control design and implementation